Academic positions
Research stays
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. January - February 2015.
Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. June 2011. Department of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. July 2010.Professional activities
Teaching: Data Driven Biology, Imperial College London, 2018 - 2020.
                1st year Physics, School of Physics, University College Dublin, 2010 - 2013.
                Data Analysis and Interpretation, School of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University College Dublin, 2013
Reviewer for: Nature Physics, Scientific Reports, Royal Society Journal Interface, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Behavioural Ecology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Physics A, Journal of Physics D, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, PLOS One, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Chaos, Modern Physics Letters
Conference organising committee member: Collective Motion 2016, Uppsala, Sweden, 2016.
Professional Memberships: Physics of Life Network, Imperial College London.
Selected presentations
Invited talk. Animal Movement International Symposium: Bridging the gap between modelling and tracking data. Lund University, Sweden, 2016.
Regular talk. 14th Granada Seminar: Physics Meets the Social Sciences. Emergent cooperative phenomena, from bacterial to human group behaviour. Granada, Spain, 2015.
Invited talk. CECAM Conference: Collective dynamics in physics, biology and social sciences. University College Dublin, 2015.
Invited talk. International Conference: Collective Behavior Experiments on Living Organisms and Active Matter. Beijing Normal University, China, 2014.
Invited talk. 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Symposium: Collective motion of about 100 particles. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2014.
Regular talk. International Conference: Collective Motion 2014. Interaction Networks and Collective Motion in Swarms, Flocks and Crowds. Aalto University, Finland, 2014.
A. Corral-Lopez, A. Kotrschal, A. Szorkovszky, M. Garate-Olaizola, J. Herbert-Read, W. van der Bijl, M. Romenskyy, H. Zeng, M. Amcoff, S. Denise Buechel, A. Fontrodona-Eslava, L. Sanchez Alòs, K. Pelckmans, D. Sumpter, J. E. Mank, N. Kolm. Evolution of schooling propensity in the guppy drives changes in anti-predator behavior that are linked to neuroanatomy. (submitted)
A. Kotrschal , M. Romenskyy, M. C. Teles, R. F. Oliveira and N. Kolm. Brain size and experience impact leadership in a shoaling fish. (submitted)
M. Netsvetov, Y. Prokopuk, I. Ivanko, O. Kotovych, and M. Romenskyy. Quercus robur survival at the rear edge in steppe: Dendrochronological evidence. Dendrochronologia, 67:125843, 2021.
A. Kotrschal, A. Szorkovszky, J. E. Herbert-Read, N. I. Bloch, M. Romenskyy, S. D. Buechel, A. Fontrodona, L. Sánchez Alòs, H. Zeng, A. Le Foll, G. Braux, K. Pelckmans, J. E. Mank, D. Sumpter and N. Kolm. Rapid evolution of coordinated and collective movement in response to artificial selection. Science Advances, 49(6):eaba3148, 2020.
M. Romenskyy, J. E. Herbert-Read, C. C. Ioannou, A. Szorkovszky, A. J. W. Ward, and D. J. T. Sumpter. Quantifying the structure and dynamics of fish shoals under predation threat in three dimensions. Behavioral Ecology, 31(2):311-321, 2020.
S. S. Ding, M. Romenskyy, K. S. Sarkisyan, and A. E. X. Brown. Measuring Caenorhabditis elegans spatial foraging and food intake using bioluminescent bacteria. Genetics, 214(2):577-587, 2020.
A Corral-Lopez, M. Romenskyy, A. Kotrschal, S. D. Buechel, and N. Kolm. Brain size affects responsiveness in mating behavior to variation in predation pressure and sex-ratio. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33(2):165-177, 2019.
M. Netsvetov, Y. Prokopuk, R. Puchałka, M. Koprowski, M. Klisz and M. Romenskyy. River regulation causes rapid changes in relationships between floodplain oak growth and environmental variables. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 96, 2019.
M. Romenskyy, V. Spaiser, T. Ihle, and V. Lobaskin. Polarized Ukraine 2014: Opinion and territorial split demonstrated with the Bounded Confidence XY Model, parameterized by Twitter data. Royal Society Open Science, 5:171935, 2018.
A. Szorkovszky, A. Kotrschal, J. E. Herbert-Read, S. D. Buechel, M. Romenskyy, E. Rosén, W. van der Bijl, K. Pelckmans, N. Kolm, D. J. T. Sumpter. Assortative interactions revealed by sorting of animal groups. Animal Behaviour, 142:165-179, 2018.
M. Netsvetov, Y. Prokopuk, Y. Didukh, M. Romenskyy. Climatic sensitivity of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in floodplain near Kyiv under river regulation. Dendrobiology, 79:20-23, 2018.
A. Kotrschal, A. Szorkovzky, M. Romenskyy, A. Perna, S. D. Buechel, H.-L. Zeng, K. Pelckmans, D. J. T. Sumpter, and N. Kolm. Brain size does not impact shoaling dynamics in unfamiliar groups of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Behavioural processes, 147:13-20, 2018.
M. Romenskyy, J. E. Herbert-Read, A. J. W. Ward, and D. J. T. Sumpter. Body size affects the strength of social interactions and spatial organisation of a schooling fish (Pseudomugil signifer). Royal Society Open Science, 4:161056, 2017.
J. E. Herbert-Read, M. Romenskyy, and D. J. T. Sumpter. A Turing test for collective motion. Biology Letters, 11:20150674, 2015.
M. Romensky, D.Scholz, and V. Lobaskin. Hysteretic dynamics of active particles in a periodic orienting field. The Royal Society Journal Interface, 12:20150015, 2015.
P. Romanczuk, M. Romensky, D. Scholz, V. Lobaskin, and L. Schimansky-Geier. Motion of Euglena gracilis: active fluctuations and velocity distribution. The European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 17:1215, 2015.
M. Romensky and V. Lobaskin. Orientational hysteresis in swarms of active particles in external field. The European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 17:1359, 2015.
M. Romensky, V. Lobaskin, and T. Ihle. Tricritical points in a Vicsek model of self-propelled particles with bounded confidence. Physical Review E, 90:063315, 2014.
V. Lobaskin and M. Romenskyy. Collective dynamics in systems of active Brownian particles with dissipative interactions. Physical Review E, 87:052135, 2013.
M. Romensky and V. Lobaskin. Statistical properties of swarms of self-propelled particles with repulsions across the order-disorder transition. The European Physical Journal B, 86:91, 2013.
For publications before 2013 click here
M. V. Netsvetov, M. V. Romenskyy, P. K. Khizhenkov, and V. I. Netsvetov. Magnetic nano- and micromaterials in lessivage simulation. Gruntoznavstvo (Ukr. Soil Sc. J.), 8 (3-4):36–40, 2007.
M. V. Netsvetov, V. O. Kornienko, V. N. Nikulina, and M. V. Romenskyy. Soil profile differentiation by lessivage speed in experimental model. Problems of Ecology and Nature Protection of Industrial Region, 8:304–309, 2008.
M. V. Romenskyy, M. V. Netsvetov, P. K. Khizhenkov, and V. V. Schigolev. The influence of low-intensity extra-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on functional asymmetry of CNS, physiological and biochemical indexes of circulatory system of mice.Vestnik Problem Biologii i Mediciny, 4:75-80, 2007.
M. V. Romenskyy and M. V. Netsvetov. The influence of high frequency electromagnetic radiation with hypokinesia on functional asymmetry and biophysical parameters of the mouse brain.Ecology and Fauna of Southern-East of Ukraine, 4:32–37, 2004.
Awards and Prizes
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, European Commission, 2019 – 2021
IRCSET Postgraduate Scholarship. Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009 – 2012
Best Student Research Award. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008
Student Competition in Ecology and Environmental Protection. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2007
Scholarship of the Scientific Council of Donetsk National University. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2006 – 2008